Azure Static Web Apps – custom build and deployments

Despite Microsoft claims “First-class GitHub and Azure DevOps integration” with Static Web Apps, one is significantly easier to use than the other. Let’s take a quick look at how much features we’re giving up by sticking to Azure DevOps:

Build/Deploy pipelinesAutomatically adds pipeline definition to the repoRequires manual pipeline setup
Azure Portal support
VS Code Extension
Staging environments and Pull Requests

Looks like a lot of functionality is missing. This however begs the question whether we can do something about it?

Turns out we can…sort of

Looking a bit further into ADO build pipeline, we notice that Microsoft has published this task on GitHub. Bingo!

The process seems to run a single script that in turn runs a docker image, something like this:

docker run \
    -v "$mount_dir:$workspace" \ \
    ./bin/staticsites/StaticSitesClient upload

What exactly StaticSitesClient does is shrouded with mystery, but upon successful build (using Oryx) it creates two zip files: and Then it uploads both to Blob storage and submits a request for ContentDistribution endpoint to pick the assets up.

It’s Docker – it runs anywhere

This image does not have to run at ADO or Github! We can indeed run this container locally and deploy without even committing the source code. All we need is a deployment token:

docker run -it --rm \
   -e INPUT_AZURE_STATIC_WEB_APPS_API_TOKEN=<your_deployment_token> 
   -e GITHUB_WORKSPACE="/working_dir"
   -e IS_PULL_REQUEST=true \
   -e INPUT_API_LOCATION="./api" \
   -v ${pwd}:/working_dir \ \
   ./bin/staticsites/StaticSitesClient upload

Also notice how this deployment created a staging environment:

Word of caution

Even though it seems like a pretty good little hack – this is not supported. The Portal would also bug out and refuse to display Environments correctly if the resource were created with “Other” workflow:



Diving deep into Static Web Apps deployment is lots of fun. It may also help in situations where external source control is not available. For real production workloads, however, we’d recommend sticking with GitHub flow.

Setting up Basic Auth for Swashbuckle

Let us put the keywords up front: Swashbuckle Basic authentication setup that works for Swashbuckle.WebApi installed on WebAPI projects (.NET 4.x). It’s also much less common to need Basic auth nowadays where proper mechanisms are easily available in all shapes and sizes. However, it may just become useful for internal tools or existing integrations.


Most tutorials online would cover the next gen library aimed specifically at ASP.Net Core, which is great (we’re all in for tech advancement), but sometimes legacy needs a prop up. If you are looking to add Basic Auth to ASP.NET Core project – look up AddSecurityDefinition and go from there. If legacy is indeed the in trouble – read on.

Setting it up

The prescribed solution is two steps:
1. add authentication scheme on SwaggerDocsConfig class
2. attach authentication to endpoints as required with IDocumentFilter or IOperationFilter

Assuming the installer left us with App_Start/SwaggerConfig.cs file, we’d arrive at:

public class SwaggerConfig
	public static void Register()
		var thisAssembly = typeof(SwaggerConfig).Assembly;

			.EnableSwagger(c =>
					c.BasicAuth("basic").Description("Basic HTTP Authentication");

and the most basic IOperationFilter would look like so:

public class BasicAuthOpFilter : IOperationFilter
	public void Apply(Operation operation, SchemaRegistry schemaRegistry, ApiDescription apiDescription)
	{ = ?? new List<IDictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>>>(); Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>>()
								   { "basic", new List<string>() }

Azure Static Web Apps – when speed to market matters

The more we look at the new (GA as of May 2021) Azure Static Web Apps the more we think it makes sense to recommend this as a first step for startups and organisations looking to quickly validate their ideas. Yes, there was Blob Storage-based Static Website hosting capability (we looked at it earlier) but the newcomer is much more compelling option.

Enforcing DevOps culture

It’s easy to “just get it done” when all you need is a quick landing page or generated website. We’ve all been there – it takes a couple of clicks on the Portal to spin up required resources. Then drag-and-drop files to upload content and you’re done. Problems however strike later when the concept evolves past MVP stage. Team realises no one cared to keep track of change history and deployments are a pain.

Static Web Apps complicate things a bit by requiring you to deploy off source control. In the longer, however, benefits of version control and deployment pipeline will outweigh initial 5-minute hold up. I would point out, that the Portal makes it extremely easy to use GitHub and all demos online seem to encourage it.

ADO support is a fair bit fiddlier: deployments will work just as well, but we won’t be getting automatic staging branches support any time soon.

Integrated APIs

Out of the box, Static Web Apps supports Azure Functions that effectively become an API for the hosted website. There are some conventions in place but popping a Functions project under /api in the same repository would bootstrap everything like deployments, CORS and authentication context. Very neat indeed. After deployment available function show up on the portal

What would probably make experience even better if there was a way to test the API straight away.

Global CDN

One small detail that is easy to overlook is the location of the newly created web app:

upon further investigation we discover that the domain name indeed maps to, and resolving it yields geographically sensible results. In our case we got Hong Kong, which is close, but could probably be further improved with rollout to Australia.

Application Insights support

Given how Azure Functions back the APIs here, it’s no surprise that Application Insights would come bundled. All we have to do – is to create an App Insights instance and select it. That however is also a limitation – only Functions are covered. Static content itself is not.

Clear upgrade path

Free plan decent for initial stages but comes with limitations, so after a while, you may consider upgrading. Switching to Standard tier enables extra features like BYO Functions, Managed Identity and custom Auth providers. This cover heaps more use cases so application can keep evolving.

AWS X-Ray (but a bit more salesy)

Some time ago we had the pleasure of putting together a proposal for a client who we know loves a good story. Engagement ended up not going ahead, but this got us thinking whether we can take a random piece of tech and write it up in a slightly more salesy way. Since we don’t usually work with AWS we thought it may be a good time to try AWS X-Ray.

3-2-1 Action!

It is hard to know what is happening around you when it’s dark…

You have built and deployed an app. You are pretty confident that everything is up and running and your team had gone through the core functionality a few times before the release. You take the phone, dial your head of marketing, and tell them to submit that promotional article on to HackerNews. You know this is going to attract heaps of attention, but you are ready to be the next big thing…

But how are you going to know if your users are happy with the service? Will you spot a performance bottleneck when it happens? Or you will allow the site to crash and ruin the first impression for everyone?

Do you have the tools to track how your users interact with the app: what features they use, what should you build next? Are your developers able to pick up the logs and exception traces and investigate issues as they arise? It is really hard to answer any of these questions without having visibility into your system. Application performance monitoring tools are expensive to build and hard to maintain.

Now to the technical part

On the management portal we’ve got a lambda, sitting behind an API gateway so that we can call it via HTTP. X-Ray integrates with Lambda out of the box, so all we have to do is enable it.

adding X-Ray support to Lambda (step 1)
adding X-Ray support to Lambda (step 2)

The customer facing application is a .NET MVC website hosted on Elastic Beanstalk. One advantage of doing it that way is that it also takes care of installing the X-Ray agent – we would need to do it ourselves otherwise.

enabling X-Ray on Elastic Beanstalk

Adding Xray support to .net projects is very straightforward. We’d just need to instrument our code a little bit: Firstly – We install official NuGet packages. Secondly we add a couple of lines of code to Startup class. If we also want to capture SQL that entity framework generates – we’d need to make sure we do not forget to add an interceptor here. And…that’s it – after deploying everything – we should be all set!

public class Startup
	public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
		Configuration = configuration;
		AWSXRayRecorder.Instance.ContextMissingStrategy = ContextMissingStrategy.LOG_ERROR;

	public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
		if (env.IsDevelopment())

Now we can go ahead, put on our customer hat and browse the website. We’ll land on index page and check out the menu. We’ll also call a secret endpoint that generates an exception. Having generated enough activity we should be able to see the application map!

aws x-ray sample application map

As you can see, we’ve got all our components laid out in front of us. We’ve also got latencies of each link and amount of successful/failed requests.

Drilling down to traces allows us to see even more data on how users interact with our app. If there was a Database involved – we’d get to see SQL too. It doesn’t stop here – X-Ray exposes a set of APIs that allow developers build even more analysis and visualization apps.

To conclude

XRay is easy to use, it gives you insight to dive deep into how your system functions.

It is integrated with EC2, Container Service, Lambda and Beanstalk and lets the developers focus on what really matters – making your startup a success story.

EF core 3.1: dynamic GroupBy clause

Expanding on many ways we can build dynamic clauses for EF execution, let us look at another example. Suppose we’d like to give our users ability to group items based on a property of their choice.

As usual, our first choice would be to build a LINQ expression as we did with the WHERE case. There’s however a problem: GroupBy needs an object to use as a grouping key. Usually, we’d just make an anonymous type, but it is a compile-time luxury we don’t get with LINQ:

dbSet.GroupBy(s => new {s.Col1, s.Col2}); // not going to fly :/

IL Emit it is then

So, it seems we are left with no other choice but to go through TypeBuilder ordeal (which isn’t too bad really). One thing to point out here – we want to create properties that EF will later use for grouping key. This is where ability to interrogate EF as-built model comes very handy. Another important point – creating a property in fact means creating a private backing field and two special methods for each. We certainly started to appreciate how much the language and runtime do for us:

private void CreateProperty(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, string propertyName, Type propertyType)
 // really, just generating "public PropertyType propertyName {get;set;}"
	FieldBuilder fieldBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineField("_" + propertyName, propertyType, FieldAttributes.Private);

	PropertyBuilder propertyBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineProperty(propertyName, PropertyAttributes.HasDefault, propertyType, null);
	MethodBuilder getPropMthdBldr = typeBuilder.DefineMethod("get_" + propertyName, MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.SpecialName | MethodAttributes.HideBySig, propertyType, Type.EmptyTypes);
	ILGenerator getIl = getPropMthdBldr.GetILGenerator();

	getIl.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, fieldBuilder);

	MethodBuilder setPropMthdBldr = typeBuilder.DefineMethod("set_" + propertyName,
		  MethodAttributes.Public |
		  MethodAttributes.SpecialName |
		  null, new[] { propertyType });

	ILGenerator setIl = setPropMthdBldr.GetILGenerator();
	Label modifyProperty = setIl.DefineLabel();
	Label exitSet = setIl.DefineLabel();

	setIl.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, fieldBuilder);



after we’ve sorted this out – it’s pretty much the same approach as with any other dynamic LINQ expression: we need to build something like DbSet.GroupBy(s => new dynamicType {col1 = s.q1, col2 = s.q2}). There’s a slight issue with this lambda however – it returns IGrouping<dynamicType, TElement> – and since outside code has no idea of the dynamic type – there’s no easy way to work with it (unless we want to keep reflecting). I thought it might be easier to build a Select as well and return a Count against each instance of dynamic type. Luckily, we only needed a count, but other aggregations work in similar fashion.


I arrived at the following code to generate required expressions:

public static IQueryable<Tuple<object, int>> BuildExpression<TElement>(this IQueryable<TElement> source, DbContext context, List<string> columnNames)
	var entityParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TElement));
	var sourceParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IQueryable<TElement>));

	var model = context.Model.FindEntityType(typeof(TElement)); // start with our own entity
	var props = model.GetPropertyAccessors(entityParameter); // get all available field names including navigations			

	var objectProps = new List<Tuple<string, Type>>();
	var accessorProps = new List<Tuple<string, Expression>>();
	var groupKeyDictionary = new Dictionary<object, string>();
	foreach (var prop in props.Where(p => columnNames.Contains(p.Item3)))
		var propName = prop.Item3.Replace(".", "_"); // we need some form of cross-reference, this seems to be good enough
		objectProps.Add(new Tuple<string, Type>(propName, (prop.Item2 as MemberExpression).Type));
		accessorProps.Add(new Tuple<string, Expression>(propName, prop.Item2));

	var groupingType = BuildGroupingType(objectProps); // build new type we'll use for grouping. think `new Test() { A=, B=, C= }`

	// finally, we're ready to build our expressions
	var groupbyCall = BuildGroupBy<TElement>(sourceParameter, entityParameter, accessorProps, groupingType); // source.GroupBy(s => new Test(A = s.Field1, B = s.Field2 ... ))
	var selectCall = groupbyCall.BuildSelect<TElement>(groupingType); // .Select(g => new Tuple<object, int> (g.Key, g.Count()))
	var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<IQueryable<TElement>, IQueryable<Tuple<object, int>>>>(selectCall, sourceParameter);
	return lambda.Compile()(source);

private static MethodCallExpression BuildSelect<TElement>(this MethodCallExpression groupbyCall, Type groupingAnonType) 
	var groupingType = typeof(IGrouping<,>).MakeGenericType(groupingAnonType, typeof(TElement));
	var selectMethod = QueryableMethods.Select.MakeGenericMethod(groupingType, typeof(Tuple<object, int>));
	var resultParameter = Expression.Parameter(groupingType);

	var countCall = BuildCount<TElement>(resultParameter);
	var resultSelector = Expression.New(typeof(Tuple<object, int>).GetConstructors().First(), Expression.PropertyOrField(resultParameter, "Key"), countCall);

	return Expression.Call(selectMethod, groupbyCall, Expression.Lambda(resultSelector, resultParameter));

private static MethodCallExpression BuildGroupBy<TElement>(ParameterExpression sourceParameter, ParameterExpression entityParameter, List<Tuple<string, Expression>> accessorProps, Type groupingAnonType) 
	var groupByMethod = QueryableMethods.GroupByWithKeySelector.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(TElement), groupingAnonType);
	var groupBySelector = Expression.Lambda(Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(groupingAnonType.GetConstructors().First()),
			accessorProps.Select(op => Expression.Bind(groupingAnonType.GetMember(op.Item1)[0], op.Item2))
		), entityParameter);

	return Expression.Call(groupByMethod, sourceParameter, groupBySelector);

private static MethodCallExpression BuildCount<TElement>(ParameterExpression resultParameter)
	var asQueryableMethod = QueryableMethods.AsQueryable.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(TElement));
	var countMethod = QueryableMethods.CountWithoutPredicate.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(TElement));

	return Expression.Call(countMethod, Expression.Call(asQueryableMethod, resultParameter));

And the full working version is on my GitHub

Serverless face-off: AWS Lambda

We have discussed some high-level approach differences between Azure and AWS with regards to Lambda.

This time round we will expand on our scenario a bit and attempt to get our static site to call a serverless endpoint.

This article aims to cover brief step by step process of creating a simple backend for our static website to call.

There are a few things we’d have to keep in mind while going through this exercise:

  • no custom domains – setting HTTPS up with our own domain is a whole different topic – watch this space
  • even though we primarily develop on .NET platform, we’d resort to Node.JS here. Main reason for this choice being – inconsistencies between platform features: for example, cloud console built-in editor is only available for interpreted languages with AWS, while with Azure, .NET is a first-class citizen and gets full editing support.
  • no CI/CD – we want something very simple to get the point across.
  • online portal only – again, it’s best practice to codify infrastructure and deployment, but we set something up quick and dirty. Think Startup Weekend

Hosting static website on AWS

Starting with the frontend, we’d throw a small front page up into the cloud. Upload the files to S3 and make sure to enable read-only public access to the files in bucket as we’d not go through more fine-grained ACLs here.

Creating a quick Lambda

Now onto the main attraction. We’d head over to Lambda and proceed to “Author from scratch”. As we’ve already established, choice of runtime would impact our ability to move quickly and code it on the portal. So, we’d venture onto totally unknown Node.js territory here.

To get a response we need to define a function named handler and export it. In fact, the name is configurable, but we’ll stick to the default.

Since we don’t need to change a lot, here’s our complete test code:

exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
     const response = {
         statusCode: 200,
         isBase64Encoded: false,
         body: JSON.stringify({event, context}),
         headers: {
             "Content-Type": "application/json",
             "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" : "",             "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "",
             "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "OPTIONS,POST,GET"
     return response;

Notice how we add a bunch of headers for CORS? Well, that’s a requirement for ELB to work. Can skip it if going API Gateway path. Deploy it, and let’s move on to defining how our function can get called.

Defining a trigger

There quite are quite a few ways this function can get invoked, but we only care about HTTP. Two obvious options for this would be to either stand up an API Gateway or use Elastic Load Balancer. Shall we try both?

API Gateway

API Gateway has been the preferred method of fronting lambdas since the beginning of time. It supports authentication and allows great control over the process. Since API Gateway is specifically designed to serve HTTP requests and forward them along, we only need to make a few choices like

  • whether we want full control over REST or simple HTTP will do and
  • what kind of authentication we’d like on the endpoints.

Elastic Load Balancer

As of late 2018, AWS also supports a more “lightweight” option of having ELB target a lambda when called on a predefined path. On the surface setting up ELB looks more involved as we’d have to configure a lot of networking. Don’t forget to open inbound port 80 in your security group!


Creating a lambda with AWS is extremely easy if you pick the right runtime. A choice of triggers makes it a bit harder to pick one that suits better. Here’s a list of points to consider:

API GatewayELB
CORSyes, can edit on the portalno, but need to modify lambda to return correct headers
AuthNyes (IAM)no

and sample responses FYI:

API Gateway

Calling WCF services from .NET Core clients

Imagine situation: company runs a business-critical application that was built when WCF was a hot topic. Over the years the code base has grown and became a hot mess. But now, finally, the development team got a go ahead to break it down into microservices. Yay? Calling WCF services from .NET Core clients can be a challenge.

Not so fast

We already discussed some high-level architectural approaches to integrate systems. But we didn’t touch upon the data exchange between monolith and microservice consumers: we could post complete object feed onto a message queue, but that’s not always fit for purpose as messages should be lightweight. Another way (keeping in mind our initial WCF premise), we could call the services as needed and make alterations inside microservices. And Core WCF is a fantastic way to do that. If only we used all stock standard service code.

What if custom is the way?

But sometimes our WCF implementation has evolved so much that it’s impossible to retrofit off the shelf tools. For example, one client we worked with, was stuck with binary formatting for performance reasons. And that meant that we needed to use same legacy .net 4.x assemblies to ensure full compatibility. Issue was – not all of references was supported by .net core anyway. So we had to get creative.

What if there was an API?

Surely, we could write an API that would adapt REST requests to WCF calls. We could probably just use Azure API Management and call it a day, but our assumption here was not all customers are going to do that. The question is how to minimize the amount of effort developers need to expose the endpoints.

A perfect case for C# Source Generators

C# Source Generators is a new C# compiler feature that lets C# developers inspect user code and generate new C# source files that can be added to a compilation. This is our chance to write code that will write more code when a project is built (think C# Code Inception).

The setup is going to be very simple: we’ll add a generator to our WCF project and get it to write our WebAPI controllers for us. Official blog post describes all steps necessary to enable this feature, so we’d skip this trivial bit.

We’ll look for WCF endpoints that developers have decorated with a custom attribute (we’re opt-in) and do the following:

  • Find all Operations marked with GenerateApiEndpoint attribute
  • Generate Proxy class for each ServiceContract we discovered
  • Generate API Controller for each ServiceContract that exposes at least one operation
  • Generate Data Transfer Objects for all exposed methods
  • Use generated DTOs to create WCF client and call required method, return data back

Proxy classes

For .net core to call legacy WCF, we have to either use svcutil to scaffold everything for us or we have to have a proxy class that inherits from ClientBase

namespace WcfService.BridgeControllers {
public class {proxyToGenerate.Name}Proxy: ClientBase<{proxyToGenerate}>, {proxyToGenerate} {
    foreach (var method in proxyToGenerate.GetMembers()) 
        var parameters = // craft calling parameters; // need to make sure we build correct parameters here
        public {method.ReturnType} {method.Name}({parameters}) {
            return Channel.{method.Name}({parameters}); // calling respective WCF method

DTO classes

We thought it’s easier to standardize calling convention so all methods in our API are always POST and all accept only one DTO on input (which in turn very much depends on callee sugnature):

public static string GenerateDtoCode(this MethodDeclarationSyntax method) 
    var methodName = method.Identifier.ValueText;
    var methodDtoCode = new StringBuilder($"public class {methodName}Dto {{").AppendLine(""); 
    foreach (var parameter in method.ParameterList.Parameters)
        var isOut = parameter.IsOut();
        if (!isOut)
            methodDtoCode.AppendLine($"public {parameter.Type} {parameter.Identifier} {{ get; set; }}");
    return methodDtoCode.ToString();


And finally, controllers follow simple conventions to ensure we always know how to call them:

   .AppendLine("namespace WcfService.BridgeControllers {").AppendLine()
   .AppendLine($"[RoutePrefix(\"api/{className}\")]public class {className}Controller: ApiController {{");
 var methodCode = new StringBuilder($"[HttpPost][Route(\"{methodName}\")]")
                  .AppendLine($"public Dictionary<string, object> {methodName}([FromBody] {methodName}Dto request) {{")
                  .AppendLine($"var proxy = new {clientProxy.Name}Proxy();")
                  .AppendLine($"var response = proxy.{methodName}({wcfCallParameterList});")
                  .AppendLine("return new Dictionary<string, object> {")
                  .AppendLine(" {\"response\", response },")

As a result

We should be able to wrap required calls into REST API and fully decouple our legacy data contracts from new data models. Working sample project is on GitHub.

Serverless face-off: Azure vs AWS overview

With the explosive growth of online services, we’ve seen over 2020, it’s clear the Public Cloud is going to pervade our lives increasingly. The Internet is full of articles listing differences between platforms. But when we look closer, it all seems to fall into same groups: compute, storage, and networking. Yes, naming is different, but fundamentals are pretty much identical between all major providers.

Last time

We explored a few differences between AWS S3 and Azure Storage. On paper both Azure and AWS offers are comparable: Azure has Functions and AWS calls theirs Lambda. But subtle differences begin to show up right from the beginning…

Creating resources Azure vs AWS

Without even getting into writing any code yet we are greeted by the first difference: AWS allows to either create standalone functions or to provision Lambda Apps that are basically CloudFormation templates for a function and all related resources such as CodeCommit repo, S3 Bucket and project pipeline for CICD. Azure on the other hand always prompts to structure functions by sitting them inside a Function App. The reason for doing that is, however, slightly different: Function App is a collection of functions that share the same App Service Plan.

Serverless Invocation

AWS does not assume any triggers and we’d need to add one ourselves. Adding an API Gateway as a trigger is totally possible and allows for HTTPS setup if need be. But because trigger is external to the function – we need to pay closer attention to data contract: API reference is helpful but the default API gateway response of 500 makes it hard to troubleshoot.

Portal editor functionality

Another obvious difference between the platforms is built-in code editor experience. In AWS it is only an option for interpreted language runtimes (such as Node.js, Python and Ruby):

finding code editor in AWS portal is very easy
if runtime is not supported, you would get a blue message

Azure has its own set of supported runtimes. And of course, things like .NET and PowerShell get full support. There’s however one gotcha to keep in mind: Linux hosting plans get limited feature set:

rich experience editing code in Azure
even though .net is a first party runtime - using Linux to host it ruins the experience

.NET version support

AWS supports .NET Core 2.1 and 3.1 and conveniently provides selection controls, while Azure by default only allows for version 3.1 for newly created function apps:

AWS is an open book: picking runtime version is easy
Azure makes it a no-choice and might look very limiting, but read on...

At first look such omission is very surprising as one would expect more support from Microsoft. This however is explained in the documentation: .NET version is tied to Functions Runtime version and there is a way to downgrade all the way down to v1.x (which runs on .NET 4.7!):

it is possible to downgrade Function Runtime version. but there are limitations and gotchas


Language support.NET Core 2.1, .NET Core 3.1, Go, Java, Node.Js, Python, Ruby, PowerShell Core.NET Core 3.1, .NET Core 2.2, .NET 4.7, Node.Js, Python, Java, PowerShell Core
OSLinuxWindows or Linux (depending on runtime and plan type)
TriggersAPI Gateway, ELB, heaps moreBuilt-in HTTP/Timer, heaps more
HierarchyFunction or Function appFunction App
Portal code editor support Node.JS, Ruby, PythonNode.js, .NET, PowerShell Core,

Breaking down the Monolith: data flows

One common pattern we see repeatedly is how clients are transitioning their monolithic applications to distributed architectures. The challenge here is doing that while still retaining the data on the main database for consistency and other coupled systems. Implementing microservices gets a bit tricky. We suddenly need to have a copy of the data and keep it consistent.

Initial snapshot

Often teams take this exercise to rethink the way they handle schema. So cloning tables to the new database and calling it a day does not cut it. We’d like to be able to use new microservice not only as a fancy DB proxy, but also as a model for future state. Since we don’t always know what the future state will look like, ingesting all data in one go might be too much of commitment. The is where incrementally building microservice-specific data store comes in handy. As requests flow through our system, we’d fulfill them from the Monolith but keep a copy and massage for efficiency.

Caching data with Microservice flow chart

Updates go here

There’s no question we need some way to let our microservices know that something has gotten updated. A message queue of sorts will likely do. So next time the Monolith updates an entity we’re interested in – we’d get a message:

Flow chart outlining Monolith leading update feeds for microservices to build up own data snapshots

As we progress

The schematic above can be extended to allow monolith be part of receiving the update feeds too. When we are ready to commit to moving System of Record to a microservice – we reverse the flow and have Monolith listen to changes and update “master” record accordingly. Only at that time it won’t be “master” anymore.

Flow chart outlining Monolith becoming a subscriber to update feeds for consistency and backward compatibility

Choice of Message Bus

We’d need to employ a proper message bus for this flow to work. There are quite a few options out there and picking a particular one without considering trade-offs is meaningless. We prefer to keep our options limited to RabbitMQ and Kafka. A few reasons to pick one or another are: community size, delivery guarantees and scalability constraints. Stay tuned for an overview of those!

Approaches to handling simple expressions in C#

Every now and then we get asked if there’s an easy way to parse user input into filter conditions. Say, for example, we have a viewmodel of type DataThing:

public class DataThing
     public string Name;
     public float Value;
     public int Count;

From here we’d like to check if a given property of this class satisfies a certain condition. For example we’ll look at “Value is greater than 15”. But of course we’d like to be flexible.

The issue

The main issue here is we don’t know the type of property before hand, so we can’t use generics even if we try to be smart:

public class DataThing
     public string Name;
     public float Value;
     public int Count;
 public static void Main()
     var data = new DataThing() {Value=10, Name="test", Count = 1};
     var values = new List {
         new ValueGetter(x => x.Value),
         new ValueGetter(x => x.Name)
     (values[0].Run(data) > 15).Dump();
 public abstract class ValueGetter
     public abstract T Run<T>(DataThing d);
 public class ValueGetter<T> : ValueGetter
     public Func<DataThing, T> TestFunc;
     public ValueGetter(Func<DataThing, T> blah)
         TestFunc = blah;
     public override T Run(DataThing d) => TestFunc.Invoke(d); // CS0029 Cannot implicitly convert type…

Even if we figured it out it’s obviously way too dependant on DataThing layout to be used everywhere.

LINQ Expression trees

One way to solve this issue is with the help of LINQ expression trees. This way we wrap everything into one delegate with predictable signature and figure out types at runtime:

 bool BuildComparer(DataThing data, string field, string op, T value) {    
     var p1 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(DataThing));
     var p2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
     if (op == ">")
         var expr = Expression.Lambda>(
                                 , Expression.PropertyOrField(p1, field)
                                 , Expression.Convert(p2, typeof(T))), p1, p2);
         var f = expr.Compile();
         return f(data, value);
      return false;

Code DOM CSharpScript

Another way to approach the same problem is to generate C# code that we can compile and run .We’d need Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Scripting package for this to work:

bool BuildScript(DataThing data, string field, string op, T value)
     var code = $"return {field} {op} {value};";
     var script = CSharpScript.Create(code, globalsType: typeof(DataThing), options: ScriptOptions.Default);
     var scriptRunner = script.CreateDelegate();
     return scriptRunner(data).Result;

.NET 5 Code Generator

This is a new .NET 5 feature, that allows us to plug into compilation process and generate classes as we see fit. For example we’d generate extension methods that would all return correct values from DataThing:

[Generator] // see for even more cool stuff
 class AccessorGenerator: ISourceGenerator {
     public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context) {
       var syntaxReceiver = (CustomSyntaxReceiver) context.SyntaxReceiver;
       ClassDeclarationSyntax userClass = syntaxReceiver.ClassToAugment;
       SourceText sourceText = SourceText.From($ @ "
         public static class DataThingExtensions {
           // This is where we'd reflect over type members and generate code dynamically. Following code is oversimplification
             public static string GetValue<string>(this DataThing d) => d.Name;
             public static string GetValue<float>(this DataThing d) => d.Value;
             public static string GetValue<int>(this DataThing d) => d.Count;
         ", Encoding.UTF8);
         context.AddSource("DataThingExtensions.cs", sourceText);
       public void Initialize(GeneratorInitializationContext context) {
         context.RegisterForSyntaxNotifications(() => new CustomSyntaxReceiver());
       class CustomSyntaxReceiver: ISyntaxReceiver {
         public ClassDeclarationSyntax ClassToAugment {
           private set;
         public void OnVisitSyntaxNode(SyntaxNode syntaxNode) {
           // Business logic to decide what we're interested in goes here
           if (syntaxNode is ClassDeclarationSyntax cds &&
             cds.Identifier.ValueText == "DataThing") {
             ClassToAugment = cds;

Running this should be as easy as calling extension methods on the class instance: data.GreaterThan(15f).Dump();